Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started. Or maybe you just want to tell your visitors a little bit about yourself and the subject of this stunning website that you’re currently building. Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started.

Use this text block to fill in some interesting information. It could be a nice story about your business and how it all started. Or maybe you just want to tell your visitors a little bit about yourself and the subject of this stunning website that you’re currently building.







MCRactive are a not for profit organisation established and overseen by Manchester City Council, responsible for driving sport and physical activity across Manchester, inspiring and encouraging everyone to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle

Our partnership with MCRactive is one in which we both share a vision for creating a legacy project in Manchester that current and future generations can be proud of. Through the partnership we will be part fo the ambitious redevelopment of the famous Hough End Playing Fields site and see it grow into a Football base, Training Centre, Academy and beyond that a multi-sports facility that will show other cities what can be achieved when communities come together


KOI Sports

Koi Sports CIC are registered in the UK as a Community Interest Company, limited by guarantee, and regulated by the British Government to ensure that all of our assets are locked, and that 100% of our profits are reinvested to benefit the communities that we serve, not distributed as Director or Shareholder dividends.

Koi Sports invest heavily in initiatives aimed at creating a sustainable and thriving British Grassroots

Sports sector, one which is inclusive, safe, affordable, and accessible for all.

Through our partnership with KOI Sports we enable local and national business to help invest in sports projects a sustainable and effective way to ensure development is at the heart of everything we do.


Active Communities Network

Both GMFC and Active Communities Network have the same key philosophy upon which we lay our foundations and that is that we help to create  world where everyone has the same opportunity to succeed, regardless of backgrounds

Through our partnership with ACN we ensure that we equip our players with skills beyond the football pitch and ensure that every one that is part of GMFc also does some form of educational, training or vocational course to give them the skills required to create a better future for themselves and their families both on and off the pitch.

Use this text block to enter a short description about the team member.

Kick It Out

A key partner for us both on and off the pitch with the shared aim of helping to kick racism out of football. We both know that it is going to be a long road to do so, but we are to support each other to achieve a common goal. Together we will break down barriers and challenge racism or inequality of any kind. Together we can, and will succeed.

The Growth Company

The Growth Company drives forward business, economic, personal and professional development within communities by boosting employment, skills, investment and enterprise for the benefit of all.

Our partnership with The Growth Company is all about the long term development of Greater Manchester as bringing communities together through the platform of Football. We will do this by bringing in the right kinds of investors and expertise to ensure the long term sustainability of the project and help us reach our ambitious goals.

Jog On

Bringing the mind, body & heart together can be a journey of sweat and tears. Jog on recognises that whether you are a beginner or a pro-athlete we sometimes need to dig deep to keep going. Jog on promotes the unity of mind and body and aims to capture this in the designs of their sportswear products

Through our partnership with JogOn we are able to empower women and help them have the confidence to push themsleves to their limits while dressing in a manner suited to their unique cultural or religious needs. Jog On are the official supplier for GMFC sports hijabs worn by some of our female players during training and matchdays.

... sport can create hope where once there was only despair, it is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers.

It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination. 

                                                                                      Nelson Mandela.